Name: Vasile Gheorghe ALCAZ
Institute of Geology and Seismology, Moldavian Academy of Sciences,
Academiei str., 3, Kishinev, Republic of Moldova, MD 2028
Date and place of birth: 25 January 1948, Ungheni, Republic of Moldova.
M.S. in Physics, 1972, Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics (Department of Geophysics),
Post-graduate course, 1974, Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Moldavian Academy of Sciences.
Ph.D. (Diploma in Geophysics), 1980, Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences of Georgian Republic.
Senior Researcher (Docent), 1994, The Supreme Testimonial Commission of Moldavian Republic.
PHD (Doctor Habilitatus), 2006, The National Council of Accreditation and Attestation (Chisinau, 2006).
Engineering Seismology (Seismic Hazard and Risk Evaluation), Numerical Modeling
Institute of Geophysics and Geology Moldavian Academy of Sciences:
Engineer, Senior Engineer, 1972-1979.
Senior Researcher, 1979-1984.
Head of Laboratory of Microzoning Methods, Head of Laboratory of Survey of Seismic Effects, 1984-2002.
Director, since June 2002.
International activities:
Numerical Modeling Expert, TACIS (European Community) Project ,1999…2000.
Project co-director, Senior Researcher, 2 projects under the aegis of NATO (Science for Peace), 2005…2008.
Senior Researcher, INTAS (European Community) Project, 2006…2008
1 book authored, 3 books co-authored. More than 100 articles and papers.
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies:
Member of International Alliance for Disaster Reduction.
Member of Global Society of Exploration Geophysics.
Representative of the Republic of Moldova in CEI Working Group of Science and
Member of the Assembly of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Moldova
Awards: Medal of the USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements (for elaboration of the new method of seismic waves identification,1987).
Diploma of International Academy of Ratting Technologies and Sociology (2003).
Recent Scientific Activities: Development of scientific bases of the evaluation of seismic hazard and seismic risk in specific conditions of the Vrancea focal zone and the territory of Republic of Moldova.
Pubblications: Books and Articles:
- V. Alcaz. Influence of Local Soil Conditions on Earthquake Motion in the Territory of Moldova Republic. In: Earthquake Hazard and Risk, (Ed. F. Wenzel, D. Lungu), Ser.:Advances in Natural and Technological. Hazards Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, p. 187-195.
- A. Zaicenco, D. Lungu, V. Alcaz. and T. Cornea. Classification and Evaluation of Vrancea Earthquake Records from Republic of Moldova. In: Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard an d Risk Mitigation, (Ed. F. Wenzel, D. Lungu), Ser.: Advances in Natural and Technological. Hazards Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, p. 67-76.
- V. Alcaz and A. Zaicenco. Spatial Correlation Between Level of Water Table and Damage of Buildings After 1986 Vrancea Earthquake in Kishinev using GIS. Proceedings of DACH-Tagung Conference, Berlin, 1999, p.145-150.
- A. Zaicenco and V. Alcaz. Development of 3-D Geotechnical GIS – Oriented Database for Seismic Microzonation Studies. Proceedins of Third Japan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Istambul, 2000, p.159-165.
- Drumea, V. Alcaz and A. Zaicenco. Behaviar During Strong Vrancea Earthquakes of Vulnerable Buildings in Republic of Moldova. In: Earthquake Hazard and Contermeasures for Existing Fragile Buildings Lungu, T Saito (editors). Bucharest, Romania, 2001, p. 267-270.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco. Project of Seismic Risk Estimation and Disaster Mitigation of Kishinev City. Geology, 23, Кiev, 2002 p. 17-19.
- Zaicenco and V. Alcaz. Seismic Tests on a 16-Storey Cast-In-Place R/C Buiding and Stochastic Simulation Results. Structural Design Of Tall Buildings, 10, 2001, USA, p. 69-77.
- V. Alkaz. Assessment of Relative Earthquake Risk - Moldova Republic Case Study. Geology, 27, Кiev, 2003, p. 80-82.
- V. Alkaz, E. Isicko, A. Zaicenco. Simulation of Earthquake scenarios for seismic risk Management. Geology, 30, Кiev, 2004, p. 69-72.
- V. Alkaz. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Republic of Moldova. Geology, 29, Кiev, 2004, p. 11-14.
- V. Alkaz, A.Zaicenco, E. Isicko. System for Estimation of Damage-Loss and Human Casualties from Strong Vrancea Earthquakes on the Territory of Moldova Republic. Proceedings of International Conference "Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction", v.2, Bucharest, 2004, p. 319-329.
- V. Alkaz. Earthquake Risk Modeling at Regional Scale: Republic of Moldova Case Study. Proceedings of International Conference "Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction", v.2, Bucharest, 2004, p. 341-348.
- V. Alkaz. Seismic hazard for Republic of Moldova. Bulletin of the Institut of Geology & Seismology MAS, 1, Chisinău, Elena, 2005, p. 5-10.
- V. Alcaz, A. Drumea, E. Isicico, V. Ghinsari, O. Bogdevici. Development of the methodology of seismic microzoning: Chişinău city case study (in Romanian). Chişinău, Elena V.I, 2005. 108 p.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco, E. Isicko. Paper: Earthquake disaster scenario for Kishinev, Republic of Moldova. Proceedings of International Conference Earthquake Enjineering in XI Centure, Macedonia, Scopie, 2005.
- V. Alkaz. Paper: Seismic Hazard and Risk Studies in Republic of Moldova. Proceedings of International Conference Natural Risks: Earthquakes, Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard assessment in the CEI Area, 2005, Slovak Republic, Bratislava.
- S.T. Verbitkii, A.F. Statiuk, M. Ciuba, V. G. Alkaz, I.V. Alexeev. The Seismicity of Carpathians in 2003 (in Russian). Seismological Bulletin, 2005, Ukraine, Sevastopol, p. 43-50.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco, E. Isicko. Preliminary Evaluation of Seismic Risk in Kishinev City. Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva 2006, Switzerland.
- A. Zaicenco & V.Alkaz. A wavelet-based analytical model accounting for near-field effects of Vrancea earthquakes. Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva 2006, Switzerland.
- A. Zaicenco, V.Alcaz. Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on an Instrumented Building. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. V.5, No 4, Springer, 2007,, p.533-547.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco, E. Isicko and I. Sandu. Paper ID 61: Loss Estimation from Scenario Earthquakes in the Republic of Moldova. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction, Editura “Orizonturi Universitare” Timişoara, Romania, 2007, p. 465-470.
- A. Zaicenco, V. Alkaz I. Sandu. Paper ID 08: 2D FEM simulation of earthquake ground motion in sedimentary basin. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction, , Editura “Orizonturi Universitare” Timişoara, Romania, 2007, p. 391-396.
- V. Alcaz, N. Kapustean, a, Marcencov. Estimation of Seismic Actions for High-Rise Buildings Design in Moskow (in Russsian). Bulletin of the Institut of Geology & Seismology MAS, 1, Chisinău, Elena, 2007, 1, p. 5-9.
- V. Alcaz. Scientific bases of seismic hazard and risk evaluation of the territory of the Republic of Moldova (in Russian), Chisinau, 2007, 230 p.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco, E. Isicko. Seismic Microzonation of the Territory of Kishinau City : A Tool for Preventing the Seismic Risk , 2008, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, C: Environmental Security, Springer, 2008, p.117-132.
- A. Zaicenco, V.Alcaz. Analysis of SSI from Instrumented Building Response. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. V. 17, Issue 2, 2008, p. 387-399,
- A. Zaicenco, V.Alcaz. Numerical Solution of an Elastic Wave Equation Using the Spectral Methods. Harmonization of Seismic Hazard in Vrancea Zone. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, C: Environmental Security, Springer, 2008, p.319-328.
- V. Alkaz, A. Zaicenco Earthquake loss modelling for Seismic risk Management. Risk Assessment as a Basis for the Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophies. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, vol. 35, 2008, p. 1-11.
- A. Zaicenco, V.Alcaz. GIS application for the Assessment of the Seismic Damage of Buildings. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, vol. 52, 2009. p. 29-3.
- H.Sandi, F. Apticaev, I.Borcia, O. Erteleva, V. Alcaz. Quantification of Seismic Action on Structures. AGIR Publidshing House, Bucharest, 2010, 211pp.